Artificial Intelligent shaping a new era of HRM


According to new era of  artificial intelligent can provide data analytics, machine learning, and combined with automation to save employees working time and work load to achieve organization outcomes. As a result of advancing  AI technology, competitive companies are looking forward how  to use AI tools and that can improve workplace better in HRM for employees and new job seekers. AI assists HR managers to make better decisions and assess on employees' intellectual and emotional capabilities, in order to assign the right employee to the correct positions (Budhwar & Malik, 2022).

Transitions of employees have a direct impact of the HRM and also the workplace, HR looks new employee to fill that particular job role and existing employees seek new opportunities. Implementing AI into the HRM that can assist HR team members to overcome the business goals. Apart from that developing AI tools are most efficient tools that can improve HRM strategies to keep workers in touch.

How does artificial intelligent deal with HRM 

Artificial intelligent be transformed into widespread in HRM, Most of HR process, recruitment, onboarding, performance management and development programs are being used to simplify by AI driven answers and below mentioned similar AI involvement in HRM. AI is going to radically change the HR tech landscape ( Josh B, 2023)

1. Employee engagement

Artificial intelligent is a most suitable tool that interact employee and improve business. AI can provide many task that engaging employee intelligent surveying, reward and recognition and real time feedback system are some of them.

Employee work experience can enhance using the AI solution by learning and development sessions. This might rise employee satisfaction and engagement of  work.

 Responsiveness -:

Many AI powered solution  able to assist the employee proper way and provide accurate feedback, Chatbot and virtual assistant are some of the AI powered solution in organization.

 Insight data driven -:

Employee engagement and their performance chart are able to analyze by HR managers using AI tools. That can be easiest to identify inside and outside workplace issues, After investigate issues can assign appropriate solution and training programs to develop employee engagement.

2. Employee retention

In the global industry, one of the biggest issue is retaining employees. Industries are always trying to experiment using AI with new tactic and approaches to keep employees for long as feasible.

Maintaining employees within the firm can be more difficult for HR managers during this competitive working environment.   In organization HR managers take many effort to implemented various strategies  to control this problem.  As a result, Artificial intelligent can assist employee performance engagement proper way and able to address their all indications. Below mentioned AI play roles in employee retention, 
  • Career planning
  • Identifying opportunities for growth
  • Better work-life balance
  • Improving and develop productivity
  • Achievable Equitable compensation

3. Learning and development

Most of the companies continuously assist new technology, skill and knowledge by using AI applications.  AI is the suitable method that can identified easily for employees and also it can suggest many activities that employee needs.  Therefore the AI system most useful for employees stay up to date and never amendment in dynamic business environment.

Video clip 1.0  3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Boost Human Resource Management  by Bython
Source: (, 2018)

AI advantages in HRM

  • Able to increased precisions and efficiency of organization works
  • Enhanced the recruitment and selection process of new employee
  • Able enhanced and increased employee engagement and retention
  • Able to provide regular feedback of every employees
  • Make decision and analyze data effectively.
  • Predicted all employees and organization data to achieve highest revenue.

AI disadvantages in HRM

  • Overall high cost effective for implementing and maintaining AI technology.
  • Cyber security and data losing issues
  • All organization management should understand AI technology for use. 


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th edn. London: Kogan Page 
  • Danni, W. (2019) Top 15 Artificial Intelligence-Based Employee Engagement Tools for 2020 [online] Available at: [Accessed on 08.04.2024]
  • IMB consulting, (2023) Artificial intelligence and a new era of human resources [online] Available at:[Accessed on 05.04.2024]
  • Reterio, (2024) The minds behind the AI Coaching platform [online] Available at: [Accessed on 07.04.2024]
  • Tamali, (2022) Top 5 Emerging Technologies that are Redefining Human Resource Management (HRM) [online] Available at: [Accessed on 06.04.2024]


  1. Ai is the future of all things so why not for HR lets move on to Ai

    1. Neranga, Utilizing AI in HR can improve efficiency and decision-making, but it is critical to evaluate the ethical implications and ensure fairness and transparency in its use. Well examine AI's potential in HR while staying conscious of its implications and limitations. Thank you for your feedback.

  2. Excellent research! Seeing how AI is improving decision-making, optimizing personnel placement, and reducing procedures to improve HRM is amazing.

    1. Thank you Nadeeka, Furthermore, AI has an immense effect on decision-making, employee deployment , and the streamlining of HR procedures. Its ability to analyze massive volumes of data and deliver insights allows for more knowledgeable and efficient HR management, resulting in major improvements in organizational effectiveness.

  3. This is a compelling overview of how AI is transforming HRM, enhancing everything from recruitment to employee retention. As a data scientist, I find it fascinating how AI-driven analytics and automation streamline HR processes, making them more efficient and responsive.

    I'm particularly interested in how AI tools can boost employee engagement through real-time feedback and personalized development programs. However, the challenges of high implementation costs and cybersecurity risks are significant. How do you think companies can best manage these challenges to fully leverage AI in HRM, Sajana?

    1. Yes Lathan, It's wonderful to hear what you think as a analyzing data. Artificial intelligence has had a significant impact on human resource management. Real-time feedback and individualized development programs are potential ways to increase employee engagement. Apart from that managing issues such as high implementation costs and cybersecurity threats necessitates a deliberate strategy. Companies can begin by doing comprehensive cost-benefit evaluations to verify that AI expenditures are aligned with business goals. It is critical to collaborate with cybersecurity professionals to put in place comprehensive data protection procedures. Thank you for your feedback.

  4. AI technology, combining data analytics, machine learning, and automation, is revolutionizing HRM by assisting managers in making better decisions and assessing employees' intellectual and emotional capabilities, ultimately enhancing workplace outcomes and attracting new job seekers.

    1. Yes Ruki, AI technology is revolutionizing human resource management through machine learning, data analysis, and automation. This advancement enables employers to make more informed decisions and conduct complete assessments of individuals talents, resulting in improved workplace results and increased attraction to potential employees.


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