Do's and Don'ts for all managers when train new employees at work


After recruitment process, new employee training is must for adapt environment culture, and employee should understand company vision, mission and goal statement in addition how to be improve personal skill their individual role.

Effective training  may improve new employees contribution  to the workplace significantly as well as employee retention also. Some of the several key component improve into successful new employee trainings, how expected and their development process will be determined.

Why new employees, training is most important? 

According to survey of many organizations, more than one quarter job seekers left their jobs in very first in six month because of training condition and influence of other employees. however balance of these two things job seekers could have considered stay long time. We need to consider employee background and guide about the company working environment and how to engage more effective way for production, who willing to understand these training behaviors accordingly. In addition, it is extremely important that employees benefit from ongoing employer provided training. “One of the most frequently encountered human capital development interventions is training” (Campbell & Kuncel, 2001). To enhance job performance, training skills and behaviors have to be transferred to the workplace, maintained over time, and generalized across contexts (Holton & Baldwin, 2000)

There are specific training practices that may improve the efficacy, benefits of new orientation.  Below mentioned key strategies are valuable for employee and employer when engaging at work.

Do's for all managers when train new employees at work

1. Evaluate your needs and do

Making an efficient training program for new employee to make sure they have necessary skill to perform their job very well. Always manager should assess needs when creating training plan for employee. When create training plan need to consider employee knowledge and employee background. as a result their training caused to focus and assign existing recent errors to implement new technologies better. Assessing your needs are most important factor to make training plan and also assign areas to getting organization success.

2. Involve all new employees for organization process

Involving new employees for organization process is most important factor that creating training plan for employees.  Manager may ensure that the needs of employee and getting plan for them in to the planning process. Manager might ask questions with existing employees what should be included training plan for most beneficial end efficient. Talking each other may improve gathering information for creating new training plan.

3. Make sensible and practical training process, employee able to achieve and expected

Training is the most basic function of human resources management. It is the systematic application of formal processes to help people to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for them to perform their jobs satisfactorily (Armstrong, 2020). When creating a training plan it should be realistic for employees. This  means when creating a task, employee should be achievable and flexible to to do it. If manager design a strategy that is too complicated or ambitious, workplace employees could feel overwhelmed and demoralized. Instead, concentrate on modest, doable objectives that workers might able to work towards and independently. 

4. Provide regular feedback

New hiring of employees become more conversant with responsibilities according to their job roles, Need to schedule regular feedback and evaluate them consequently. In addition without giving regular feedback, employees continuously make mistakes. In case some of past employees continuing task wrong way, it is difficult to getting correct path. However when we recruit new employee for this requirement, giving regular feedback is ensures employees are accomplishing their goals and completing their responsibilities accurately.

5. Set up achievable target and goals

Developing a well-organized training program can help to provide organization employees skills and information they need to do their jobs to the best of their knowledge and capabilities. It's crucial to avoid trying to do too much in a minimum training session, even though. Employer will be more likely to reap the benefits of organization plan if it is reasonable, doable, and customized for each of the organization employees.

Don'ts for all managers when train new employees at work

1. Don't complex training plan and works 

One of the most essential things to keep in mind while making a training plan is to keep it best and simple. Giving to employees too much information or assign too complicated tasks, and they will become frustrated soon and might forget what they have learnt. Manager can make sure that your employees have the best chance of success by maintaining a simple training strategy. Any institution of higher learning or business whose goals are to survive and prosper in this present day diverse and regressed economy has found it imperative to invest in ongoing training and development to improve proficiencies in production as well as to acquire the greatest return in investment of human capital (Knoke & Kalleberg, 1994)

Any complex procedure should first be start divided into similar steps. This saves employees from attempting to learn a more complicated procedures all at once and enables them to concentrate on one task at a time. Moreover, divide any complex ideas into more manageable parts for easier comprehension. Therefore, before going on to the next process, better to allow employees for practice each one.

If organization need to employees to be successful, avoid providing them with too much information at once. Rather, concentrate on giving employees the specifics they need to finish each handover tasks. Additionally, make an effort to provide examples or visual aids that can focus in simplifying difficult tasks or procedures.

2. Don't unnecessary follow up and unwanted effects 

Once employee training plan has been developed, it is critical to keep in mind the significance of following up. By following up, manager can monitor the effectiveness of training initiative and assess the advancement of organization employees.

Surveys and evaluations are two ways that follow-up can be conducted. Manager can determine what areas want more improvement and how well organize the training was received by using surveys. Evaluations can assist employee to identifying areas for improvement, such as employee comprehension of the subject matter or ability to learn new concepts. Specific job training is a complicated matter and has been the focus of much of the training literature (Chiaburu & Teklab, 2005). More specifically, in addition to the exact nature of job training, training is seen as relevant to fostering a positive relationship between learning satisfaction and the effectiveness of applied learning (Liu, 2002; Wang, 2001).

Video clip 1.0  What the Manager Needs to Do to Train Employees to Work as a Team by Stephan Goldbarg Source: (, 2018)


Any organization's ability to successfully train new hires depends on its ability to implement the methodology and effective techniques. Managers may make sure that new recruitments have the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the workforce by above mentioned list of Do's and Don'ts.


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th edn. London: Kogan Page 
  • Corey, B (2023) How to Train Your New Employees Effectively [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10.04.2024]
  • Debra L, (2011) The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude as it Relates to Training and Work Proficiency [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10.04.2024]
  • Elearning system,(2011) Dos And Don'ts For Successful Employee Onboarding [online] Available at: [Accessed on 08.04.2024]
  • indeed, (2024) New Employee Training: Do’s and Don’ts for Every Manager [online] Available at: [Accessed on 09.04.2024]
  • Yiannis. K,(2023) The Do's and Don'ts of Creating an Effective Training Plan for Your Employees [online] Available at: [Accessed on 10.04.2024]


  1. We have to make sure proper orientation program for the newly required staff

  2. Good post! It highlights how important it is for new hires to receive quality training that helps them identify with the culture and goals of the organization, which improves their contribution and retention.

    1. Yes Nadeeka, Offering great training to new personnel is critical for creating alignment with the company's culture and goals. Thank you for your feedback.

  3. Good training may greatly increase both employee retention and new hires' contribution to the company. Several essential elements contribute to the effectiveness of new employee orientations, including expectations and the method by which their development will be decided.

    1. Further more, effective training has a substantial impact on both staff retention and newly recruited contributions. Clear objectives and transparent performance evaluation techniques are critical components of effective worker orientations, ensuring that employees integrate seamlessly into the business culture and successfully fulfill their duties. Thank you for your feedback Ruki.

  4. Great job outlining the do's and don'ts for managers when training new employees! It's important to keep the training program simple and practical, focusing on achievable goals and providing regular feedback. However, managers should avoid overwhelming employees with complex information and unnecessary follow-ups. By following these guidelines, managers can ensure that new hires have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles.

    1. Yes Anjali, Effective onboarding requires keeping the learning experience is simple way, as well as setting achievable goals and offering regular feedback. Managers must avoid exhausting new employees with complex information or excessive follow-ups, assuring a smooth transition and preparing them for fulfillment in their current position. Thank you for your reply.


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