Effective learning theories for better workplace

Implement new effective learning and development theories are most essential for employees and also employer. It contribute  valuable opportunities like employee motivation, encourage, employee engagement and continuous development to the organization.  

However many organization adapt to increase their learning development using various theories, Currently there are lots of theories available. How ever among lots of these theories limited theories are applicable for universal. These theories are showed all companies environment culture and how its effect on employee learning and development. 

Key points of workplace learning theories

1. Cognitive learning

According to this learning theory describe how employee process information when learns. It means, every employees are active participant in the whole process of organization. According to this learning method Employees should be shared their own abilities, knowledge and relevant experience they have achieved in the past. Knowledge change is at the heart of cognitive learning, so it is useful to distinguish among five kinds of knowledge (Mayer, 2011) Employees assimilate new information and create their own understanding of it by situated on prior experiences and knowledge. Cognitive learning has two strategies, That is

  • Learner centered approach
  • bloom's taxonomy

2. Constructivist learning

According to constructive learning , need excellent role of guidance or proper coaching.  this learning method similar with cognitive learning. This learning method outcomes that employees are actively participated, find new solution and things to use it for work as easiest. This learning may include role play, team work and problem solving skills. However the constructivist learning is straight forward learning theory than other training approaches. 

3. Transformative learning

The Transformational learning theory originally developed by Jack Mezirow is described as being “constructivist, an orientation which holds that the way learners interpret and reinterpret their sense experience is, central to making meaning and hence learning” (Mezirow, 1991). According to this theory of learning, it has two basic results, which are instrumental learning and communicative learning. Transformative Learning theory is focused on adult learning, particularly in the context of post-secondary education  (Craig et al, 2001). (Taylor, 2007) provides a summary of research studies about the theory. 

4. Behaviorist learning

According to this learning theory, employee should motivate for positive feedback and need to discourage every negative feedback. Behaviorism learning theory holds that a learner's actions and behaviors are a direct result of their interactions with their environment. It implies that, as opposed to internal factors, external forces are what impact and teach conduct (Clark, 2018)

5. Information process learning 

Information processing learning theory is same as cognitive learning theory that is concerned how to stored all information in our memories. (Michael G. & Adam J, 2022) Information processing theory is a cognitive developmental approach that lays a structural foundation for the human mind. According to this learning theory express how to attend current situations, filtering and keeping information, apart from that how to keep information for long term and short term processing.


These learning theories place  a mighty emphasis and encourage employees to determine its conventions, practices, value skills and knowledge. This gives all workplace employees , the skills and information they need to work at their highest level, better customer approaches, and support the expansion of the organization.


  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2014) Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 13th edn. London: Kogan Page 
  • Learnuppon, (2024) Which Learning Theories are Right for Your Organization? [online] Available at:https://www.learnupon.com/blog/learning-theories/ [Accessed on 04.04.2024]
  • Michael G. & Adam J, (2022) Information-Processing Theory [online] Available at:https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-030-22009-9_698 [Accessed on 08.04.2024]
  • Richard. E, (2024) Cognitive Learning [online] Available at:https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4419-1428-6_390 [Accessed on 05.04.2024]
  • Ryan. C, (2023)Social Learning and its impact on employee learning and development [online] Available at:https://www.togetherplatform.com/blog/social-learning-at-work Accessed on 05.04.2024]


  1. introducing easy and clear learning
    way to employee they will self motivated and they will improve their productivity and efficiency

    1. Yes Neranga, Implementing simple and clear learning routes for employees can significantly boost their self-motivation and commitment to grow.

  2. A very understandable explanation about the learning theories of a better working place. The idea behind it is that HRM may be magically transformed through learning theories to a better working place, which is necessary for all firms to stay in business. Thanks for sharing the information in a more clear point of view.

    1. Thank you for your valuable feedback, Furthermore understanding learning theories may significantly enhance HRM processes, resulting in a effective working atmosphere. By successfully implementing these theories, HRM may improve organisation, encouraging continuous development and innovation, which is vital for organisations to thrive in today's highly competitive working environment.

  3. Implementing effective learning and development theories is crucial for employee motivation, engagement, and continuous development. Despite numerous theories, few are universally applicable, as they highlight the impact of company environment and culture on employee learning and development.

    1. Yes Ruki, Applying beneficial learning and development theories is critical for increasing employee motivation, engagement, and progress. While using, there are several theories according to the company's environment, In practically some companies have a specific culture, rules and regulations. Recognizing this influence is critical for customizing learning programs to the specific demands and dynamics of each organization.


  4. Learning theories help employees grow at work. They show how people learn and understand things. There are different types, like cognitive learning and behaviorist learning. These theories help employees do better at their jobs and help the company grow. great article!

    1. Learning theories need to play an important part in enabling employee growth and knowledge. Employees can improve their abilities and performance by researching cognitive and behaviorist learning. Thank you for your valuable feedback.

  5. You've made a strong case for why it's critical for businesses to apply learning and development theories in order to improve worker engagement, motivation, and growth. One critical point you brought up is the importance of identifying ideas that apply to various corporate cultures on a global basis. Excellent work!

    1. Actually, Applying learning and development concepts is critical for increasing employee engagement, motivation, and progress. Understanding principles that resonate across varied business environments globally ensures that efforts are relevant and effective, encouraging an integrated strategy to people development and company success. Thank you for your valuable feedback.


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